Monday 8 July 2013

NG 166

New game 166 is now available.

Round 1: C E O C C E N E L

Gah, horrible start with those three C's and E's.  I had CONE and CLONE, and that was it.

That's the only five, as it turns out; there are a scattering of fours.

My selection: CLONE

Round 2: S D O O T G E N H

I had STOOD, STOOGE, wondered about THONGED (not valid), STOOGED, and GHOSTED.

The other sevens are SOOTHED and HOTDOGS (David mentioned this in episode 338; it is an alternate form of both HOT DOG / HOT-DOG (the food item) and HOT-DOG (the skiing or surfing manoeuvre)).

But there is an eight here after all: STEGODON ("an elephant of the fossil genus or subgenus Stegodon, having ridged teeth").

My selection: GHOSTED

Round 3: Target 397 from 75 25 5 10 2 4

My first thought was to get to 400 and then subtract 3.  Unfortunately I avoided the simplest way to get to 400 and used up the 5 in the process, making things difficult (5*75 + 25 = 400).  But I persisted and figured out how to make the requisite remaining 3, finding the solution 397 = 5*75 + 25 - (10 + 2)/4.

Then I saw the easier way to 400 and the simpler 397 = 4*(75 + 25) - (5 - 2).  Oh, well.  Finally I looked at what would be involved in tweaking upwards from 375 and found 397 = 5*(75 + 4) + 2.

My selection: 397 = 5*75 + 25 - (10 + 2)/4

Round 4: F S A I D P I S E

I had SAID, PASSED, and then thought I had the nine of PASSIFIED.  Something didn't quite seem right and I eventually figured out that I was thinking of PACIFIED, but I'd used up all my thinking time by then.  Bother.  After time I noted SPADES as another six.

The sevens are DAISIES and APSIDES (plural of APSIS: "Astronomy either of two points in an eccentric orbit, one (higher apsis) farthest from the centre of attraction, and the other (lower apsis) nearest to it").

My selection: PASSED

Round 5: D U M E L A T C O

I had MULE, wondered about MULED (the verb sense has frequent use in MMORPGs, but it's not in the Macquarie), AMULET, CALUMET (thanks to Angie Pearce in episode 368: "a long, ornamented tobacco pipe used by northern Native Americans on ceremonial occasions, especially in token of peace"), LOCATED, CLOUTED, and MODULATE.

That's the only eight; the other sevens are MOULTED, MULCTED (MULCT: "to deprive of something by trickery"), and MACULED (MACULE being a variant form of MACKLE: "to become blurred").

My selection: MODULATE

Round 6: Target 937 from 50 75 10 4 1 8

Ah, the joys of 937½ come into play again.  The target is (25*75 - 1)/2, but since we don't have a 25 we have to multiply both parts by 2 to treat it as (50*75 - 2)/4.  Fortunately we can make the 2 with the remaining numbers, giving the solution 937 = (50*75 - (10 - 8))/4.

My selection: 937 = (50*75 - (10 - 8))/4

Round 7: M U N E R B U A R

I had MENU, NUMBER, BARMEN, and then a recollection of episode 199 gave me MANURER for seven.

That seems to be the only seven; URBANER is not explicitly listed, alas.

My selection: MANURER

Round 8: Target 261 from 50 25 4 1 5  7

I spotted the factor of 9 immediately, with cofactor 29.  I got hung up on that approach, so it was fortunate that it worked: 261 = (50/5 - 1)*(25 + 4).  Then I looked at the standard method and it works out rather more easily: 261 = 5*50 + 7 + 4.

My selection: 261 = (50/5 - 1)*(25 + 4)

Round 9: DUD BED ELF

A -ED ending seems rather likely, and playing around with the rest led to BEFUDDLED in (for me) very quick time.

My selection: BEFUDDLED (1.0s)


Mike Backhouse said...

Here are mine:

x- too slow and 2 off after time : (8+4+1)*75-50+10=935
Geoff's standard method
BEFUDDLED 93s - indeed!

Victor said...

3. 397 = 4*(75 + 25) - 5 + 2
6. Nothing in time, after time found Geoff's way
8. 261 = 5*50 + 7 + 4
9. BEFUDDLED - 1.8s

Andrew Fisher said...

Um, I had:
CLONE (EOCENE good in Scrabble but probably capitalised)
HOGNOSED (maybe no good)
397 (400 - 3)
FISSIPED (maybe no good)
938 (12 X 74 + 50)
URBANER (apparently no good)
261 (250 + 7 + 4)
1.6 sec.
A bit too adventurous today

Sam Gaffney said...

Have caught up and posted for the last few games now.

Round 6 was a treat, and I had some fun with Round 3 as well.

3. 397 = 2*4*5*10 - 75/25 (Victor's way first)
6. 937 = (75*50 - 10 + 8)/4
8. 261 = 5*50 + 7 + 4
9. x BEFUDDLED at about 7s, but had already jumped in at 3.3s without having the answer straight.

Geoff Bailey said...

Andrew: Impressive word knowledge as usual, but as you suspected it was all a bit too venturesome for the Macquarie. EOCENE is capitalised, there's no mention of FISSIPED, and the only HOGNOSE is as part of the term HOGNOSE SNAKE. Very nice 938 in round 6, by the way.

And I'm glad you're all caught up again, Sam. Welcome back, as it were.