Saturday, 22 November 2014

Other word games

I thought I'd take a moment to mention some computer games that might scratch that word-finding itch.  The first two are only available for Windows (the following links are to their Steam pages): Bookworm Adventures Deluxe, and its sequel Bookworm Adventures Volume 2.  Both have demos available, so you can check it out and see if it's the kind of thing that appeals.

The second game is Letter Quest: Grimm's Journey.  It is clearly derivative of Bookworm Adventures; not quite as polished, but it adds enough new features to be more than just a knock-off.  It is available for most platforms, and includes a convenient web demo.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

NG 507

New game 507 is now available.  I'll slowly work my way through the backlog of games and get the details up.